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The population of Turkey of about 80 million people. The Turkey population, for the most part (about 80%) is made up of Turks. Even in Turkey live Kurds, Arabs, Jews, Greeks. Official language - Turkish. It is the national language of the majority of citizens. One of the main used languages - Arabic. In Turkey, it is also common French, English and German. Often you can meet Russian speech, especially in hotels focused on tourists from Russia and CIS.
Religion, supported at the state level - Islam. About 77% of the population are Muslims. Turkey is a very religious country, which complied with the laws of Islam. Turkey is located both on the Asian and the European side of the continent, occupying peninsula Asia Minor and a small part of the Balkan Peninsula. It shares borders with Bulgaria and Greece to the north-west, with Georgia and Armenia to the northeast, on the east by Iran, and on the south by Iraq and Syria. The total area is 780.6 sq. km. The terrain is mostly mountainous, although there are flat areas. The country is washed by four seas (Mediterranean, Black Sea, Aegean and Marmara), and takes place throughout a large number of rivers and is located a few salt lakes.
Currency - Turkish Lira (TRY). Until recently, the treatment could be found banknotes and coins of several million. In addition there were coins in 5000, 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 lira. After the reform of 2005-2008, millions were replaced by thousands. Due to the high inflation rate of the lira can vary daily. The most accepted currency is US dollar, in the case of payment in dollars, the price may be lower than indicated in national currency. You can exchange money everywhere, and private exchange offices usually offer more favorable rate than banks or hotels.
It is also possible exchange (payment) in any good shop directly at the cash register.
You can use credit cards: American Express, Eurocard, Diner’s Club, Visa, Mastercard. Traveler’s checks are accepted in the country is not everywhere. If you want to use traveler’s checks, rely on such world firms as American Express and Thomas Cook.
- Average prices:
- coffee - 0,5-2,5$;
- tea - 0,2-2$;
- kebap, rotary - 1,5-7$;
- average taxi ride - about 3$;
- cheap lunch - 4$;
- dine in the restaurant will cost - 6-20$;
It should be noted that at the market price concept is very unstable. Rather bargaining is always appropriate. And sometimes you can bring down the price in a few times! Also in big cities and in the outskirts there is a large price extension... For details, see the Internet, of course, please contact us for advice! We provide qualified translations from Turkish language and translations from European languages.