Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian translations
Help You for official documents registration
Translation bureau News and Announcements
a new type of service
-transfer of solemn wedding ceremony
, as well as the registration of birth, adoption, etc., if one of spouse is a foreign citizen.The goal of such an innovation, based on the seriousness of these ceremonies, is to ensure a clear understanding of what is happening, what is the basis for the future of the family, and the development of reliable documents for registration.
Because of misunderstanding of language, rituals, alien spouse, as well as drawing up the registry office records, without considering the peculiarities of a foreign language can lead to serious problems in the future. An interpreter presence will eliminate potential problems.
In addition, please note that interpreter presence is required when visiting foreign nationals, do not know the state language of official bodies in the registration of constituent documents, as well as at the conclusion of sales contracts, for example in the Bureau of Technical Inventory.
We try to supporting You with any useful information. And of course, qualified Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian translations, other worl languages.